Be a start educator

Mentor, Educate, Facilitate, Motivate. Join our hands in creating lifelong learners…..

  • A new you as a focused, skilled motivator with consistent excellence
  • Improved classroom management & classroom dynamics
  • Effective communicator both with students and colleagues
  • Increased student compliance for your instructions

EDU-MOTIVATOR is an initiative by Masterclass Optometry to create a cutting edge instructional technique after considering all the aspects of individual learning. It is an essence of all the important dimensions of learning namely NLP, pedagogy, andragogy, ET/ICT.

It is innovative yet well-grounded technique because it considers all the possible perspectives of learning. These techniques are easy to practice and master for any one. They will not only improve your professional life (as an academician or an entrepreneur) but will also transform you in a better individual.

  • Do you think in spite of putting your best efforts; your students do not reciprocate the way you wish?
  • Would you like to develop a better rapport with your students / audience?
  • Would you like to see motivated students with stimulated minds?
  • If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you MUST attend EDUMOTIVATOR
  • To help you understand process of adult learning, styles of learning & Self-Directed Learning
  • To make your lectures and sessions more interesting/engaging by understanding the processes of active learning
  • To learn communication & rapport building techniques
  • Help you in your transformation from a teacher to a facilitator to a motivator
  • Analyse yourself to discover your strengths & work on your weaknesses
  • To transform you on both personal and professional levels

The programme is beneficial for any teacher esp in optometry

Can be delivered online as well, however may not be as much fun as offline and few activities will not be possible in online sessions